High Quality Training
Northern Star ITT formerly operated as Northern Lights SCITT. Northern Lights SCITT was inspected in Ofsted in 2022. Inspectors rated the SCITT as a Good teacher training provider.
Ofsted inspectors said:
- Trainees on Northern Lights school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) programme find it to be caring, warm and welcoming. This is the case both at the centre and while on placement. The pastoral support that trainees receive is a strength of the partnership.
- Leaders help trainees to develop a clear understanding of the pedagogies and practice that are the most helpful in the classroom for the phases they will teach. This is underpinned by the effective use of recent research.
- Leaders seek, and act on, the views of trainees. Trainees value the opportunity to feed back.
Trainees who have recently completed the course told inspectors that they had benefited from the close alignment of placement-based training and SCITT-based training.
- Leaders have designed an ambitious, well-sequenced curriculum underpinned by current research. It is well understood by trainees and communicated clearly to mentors.
- Mentors are carefully selected, and there are robust quality assurance systems in place.
- Subject leaders and trainers who are part of the partnership have their expertise and qualifications carefully considered by course leaders, and trainees feel confident that they are learning from credible experts. Inspectors agree.
Read the full Ofsted Report here